Welcome to my card
I'm aspiring artist
Tabe of contents
Simple shading
Bust: 20€
Half body: 30€
Full body: 40€
Detailed shading
Bust: 50€
half body: 60€
Full body: 70€
Extra characters +50%
off another characterBackground
(depends on the complexity)
Comic commissions
Black&white: 80€
starting price per pageColoured: 100€
starting price per page
What I will draw
Original characters/fanarts
Semi-nsf is ok
Semi furries (cat boys/girls for example)
What I won't draw
Political art
Calculation price
3 simple bust characters
20€ + 10€ + 10€ = 40€
full body detailed character + half body detailed character
70€ + 30€ = 100€
Terms of service
Upfront payment
3 character Max per commission
The artwork belongs to the client but client must credit the artist
Contact me before commerical usage
I have the right to decline & refund commissions before completion
I can post watermarked commission on my social media platforms
Commissioner is allowed to stay anonymous for the social media posts
commissioner is advised to provide visual references otherwise describe the commission in heavy detail
Contact me via twitter /instagram dms or E-mail ([email protected])